Rosa Adams

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Continue to practice and review ALL letters and sounds, especially the vowel sounds
FOCUS on learning the first 25 SIGHT WORDS, using flash cards provided.
READ daily and record it on the Monthly Reading Log.
Practice sounding out and blending simple 3 letter (cvc) words.


Practice writing your first and last name.  Learn all of the letters in your last name.
Practice proper letter formation, using headline, beltline, and footline. NEATNESS counts!
Practice spelling sight words and sounding out new words.
Work on writing  a complete sentence using familiar sight words and spelling phonetically.


Continue to count out loud to 50, paying careful attention to numbers 11-20.
Discuss and review 3D shapes (sphere, cone, cube & cylinder) and how they compare to the 2D shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle).
Practice counting sets of objects up to 20 items.
Work on writing numbers to 30.


Mrs. Baldwin's Cookie Challenge/ demonstrating knowledge of 100% of the letters and sounds, fancy fonts and all by November 1st.
Read at home regularly and log it for Homework to earn a Book-It voucher for a personal pizza from Pizza Hut at the end of the month.


We will learn to write our first name. The first letter is the only capital letter in our names.
We will use familiar sight words to build simple sentences and start to spell by sounds/phonetically.
We will be working on writing all letters following the headline, beltline and footline.


Sorting & Classifying  by COLOR, SHAPE, SIZE.  Noticing  and being able to TELL what is alike or different in a group
Numbers 0-10.  Recognizing,  and writing the number. Matching to a set. comparing numbers and demonstrate an understanding of more, less or equal to.
Counting to 30 out loud.
Recognizing basic shapes: Circle, square, triangle, rectangle.

Class Info

Scholastic Book Clubs

Our Class code is QJJ7M.

Parents may go directly to the scholastic website and place orders that will benefit our class library by earning points that the Teacher can use to purchase books to add to our classroom library. The website is



Pearson Realize - Math


YouTube Favorites

You can learn a lot if you search for these on You Tube

Have Fun Teaching
Singing Walrus
Jack Hartmann