Continue to practice and review ALL letters and sounds, especially the vowel sounds
FOCUS on learning the first 25 SIGHT WORDS, using flash cards provided.
READ daily and record it on the Monthly Reading Log.
Practice sounding out and blending simple 3 letter (cvc) words.
Practice writing your first and last name. Learn all of the letters in your last name.
Practice proper letter formation, using headline, beltline, and footline. NEATNESS counts!
Practice spelling sight words and sounding out new words.
Work on writing a complete sentence using familiar sight words and spelling phonetically.
Continue to count out loud to 50, paying careful attention to numbers 11-20.
Discuss and review 3D shapes (sphere, cone, cube & cylinder) and how they compare to the 2D shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle).
Practice counting sets of objects up to 20 items.
Work on writing numbers to 30.