By November, your child should be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of ALL letters and sounds (100%), as well as different font styles for the letters "a", "g"
Read at home daily (Students are able to earn Book It coupons for a free personal pizza from Pizza Hut)
Read sight words that have been practiced in class
Know how to write their first name and the letters that make up their name
Capitalizing the first letter in their name and in their sentences
Spelling by sounds; phonetically
Correctly forming letters using the headline, belt line, and foot line
Sort and Classify by COLOR, SHAPE, and SIZE, as well as noticing and being able to tell what is alike or different in a group
Numbers 1-10: Recognizing and writing each number up to 10 and matching it to a set (a picture of five birds with the number 5)
Comparing numbers and demonstrating an understanding of more, less, or equal to
Counting to 30 out loud (without skipping any numbers )
Recognizing basic shapes: Circle, square, triangle, and rectangle